Bonus - Ghost LiveGhost Live Bootleg 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA. I started off the night at Mogura. A small hostess bar located in Japan Town. Lost track of time and ended up missing the first 23 min of the show. The concert experience was more like a Mass. 飲み屋さんのママさんと美味しいお酒を飲んでいたら思わずライブに間に合わない時間になっていて、とりあえず最初の二十三分間を見逃してしまいました。今までに経験のした事の無いようなライブ体験でした。半分の観客は少し不気味。こいつらマジでヤバイかも?って感じ。ライブ楽しんでください。

Featured Tracks:

Ghost: Ghuleh / Zombie Queen (Infestissumam 2013)
Ghost: Secular Haze (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)
Ghost: Stand by Him (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)
Ghost: Death Knell (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)
Ghost: Satan Prayer (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)
Ghost: Genesis (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)
Ghost: Year Zero (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)
Ghost: Ritual (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)
Ghost: Monstrance Clock (Live 4/25/2013 Regency Ballroom San Francisco CA)

Gears used today:

– Zoom H1 Portable Digital Recorder
– Heil PR-40
– Roland UA-55 Quad Capture USB 2.0 Audio Interface
– Sony MDR-V6 Dynamic Stereo HeadPhone
– California Merlot

Let Your Voice Be Heard HotLine: 707-78-Metal


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